Well, if you came out of curiosity, thank you! or
Well...I'm looking for voice actors. I know it'll take a while, but it's for some dialogue
The game I'm working on has dialogue from the digital world (using beeps) and the real world. That's where the voice actors come
I'm still putting together the scripts, writing the dialogues. If you're interested, please CALL ME! WHEREEVER THE MESSAGE
I'll explain everything to you there, open characters. Some characters ARE real people, but I don't remember their voice
Anyway, if you don't want to, that's fine my d
That's your decision, not min
Thanks if you want to help
P.S: For privacy reasons, I prefer you to contact me on discord (@k0murain) or see my spacehey profile on this website. Thanks!
! :³e.ear-s. IS. in!s.not?!!!!